Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ANTHEM - National / State - a wild suggestion THIS >

  •   Cached
    State anthem may be trimmed to 90 seconds ... Kanavi told TOI on Wednesday that the committee, constituted by the government last year, ...

  • The mooted idea is noted to be strikingly ridiculous !  In today's scenario, everyone , let alone common man or uneducated, is known to spend mindfully even hours in wait (in a 'q') for buying or gaining an entry into a cinema theatre or cricket stadium. If so, the aired grievance that “many people found it difficult to stand for 4-5 minutes to sing the anthem” has to be quoted to be simply dismissed as verging on insanity. Further, just as what  ‘imposition’ means to a school boy, ‘repetition’ of a word or line has the same laudable  objective -  no different-  e.g . as any musical composition, prayer song /verse, so on.

    Is it not equally ridiculous that any 'government', besides the rest- the media being no exception-  thinks it has so much time at disposal for such non-issues, on top of / in preference to any number of other overwhelmingly pressing issues to be looked into and resolved for the benefit of its people?  

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